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2023 China-US Public Diplomacy Summit Successfully Held at RUC

2024-07-22 17:25Renmin University of China (RUC)
by Renmin University of China (RUC)

On December 20, the 2023 China-US Public Diplomacy Summit was successfully held at Renmin University of China (RUC) . More than 40 well-known experts and scholars from all over the world participated in the summit online and offline.

Zhang Donggang, chairman of the University Council of RUC, said at the summit that universities are where cultural traditions are passed on and where ideas and academia converge. RUC is willing to fully leverage its unique advantages as an educational institution, tap the potential of the unique role philosophy and social sciences play in the integration-Chinese and foreign cultures and the enhancement of cultural exchanges, become a model for China-US educational cooperation, a pioneer in China-US cultural exchanges, and a driver for the development of China-US relations.

The summit, with the theme of "Future of Humankind and Global Development: Responsibilities of China and US", is co-hosted by Renmin University of China, China Public Diplomacy Association and China Daily, and organized by National Academy of Development and Strategy of RUC and New Era International Communication Research Institute.