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Alfonso Mokuy:Human Rights are important theme in International Development Cooperation,

2023-07-24 10:08·Forum on Global Human Rights Governance
by Alfonso Nsue Mokuy

It is a great honor for me to participate in the work of this World Forum on Human Rights, I take the opportunity to greet the Government of the People's Republic of China and all the Organizers of the event, on behalf of the People of Equatorial Guinea, its President and Head of State H.E. OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO, of his Government and of my own, express to you the fervent greetings of Peace and Solidarity. 

Today Good Governance and Human Rights are important and recurring themes in International Development Cooperation, international cooperation systems, their mechanisms and instruments lay the foundations for an interdependent world. Good Governance makes us comply with our commitments, promises and recommendations on cross-cutting issues of Human Rights, based on civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights. 

International Cooperation, Good Governance and Human Rights urge the Countries to guarantee the Rule of Law through Democratic Institutions; good management of public services and the fight againstcorruption. This Forum takes place at a very turbulent time in the world, with war actions, the economic crisis, the health crisis and a lot of instability in various countries, issues that represent challenges for the effective enjoyment of Human Rights.

In this intervention we address in a unique way the global evolution of Human Rights in Equatorial Guinea, whose subject has been dealt with in a systematic and positive way since the day of the Freedom Coup on August 3, 1979. From this it was established in the Country a new regime that introduced changes and advances that is gradually implementing a situation of recognition and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. 

The development and implementation of the Fundamental Law in Equatorial Guinea has allowed the elaboration and promulgation of various laws that have had a favorable impact on the evolution of Human Rights in the Country; The signing and ratification of the International Human Rights Treaties has reinforced the positive nature of the aforementioned evolution. All of this has formed a system for the protection of citizen rights, the most important being current legislation, judicial intervention, and development programs.

National Institutions have been created in the Country in charge of promoting and guaranteeing Human Rights and thus monitoring their violation. My Government is deploying efforts in all sectors to guarantee the right to Education, Health and Social Security, access to Drinking Water, Social Housing, Development Projects and Programs that support economic and social policies for poverty reduction and an agenda for the diversification of the sources of growth.

With the new constitutional reform, new constitutional bodies were created: a Bicameral Parliament(Chamber of Deputies and the Senate), the Council of the Republic, the Ombudsman and the Court of Accounts.

Equatorial Guinea has been involved in United Nations mechanisms by submitting Periodic Reports and theUniversal Periodic Review and maintains close cooperation with UNDP, UNICEF, and the United Nations Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa.

Equatorial Guinea has integrated the Sustainable Development Goals of the SDGs for the 2030 Agenda into its planning schemes, to achieve social, economic and environmental development.The Government has sanctioned the new Penal Code contemplated in its art. 26 the Total Abolition of the Death Penalty; and efforts have been redoubled in the fight against corruption by setting up the Court of Accounts and an Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. 

The Law against the Prevention and Punishment of Torture and the Law on the Smuggling of Migrants and Human Trafficking have been promulgated. Within the framework of strengthening national capacities, greater emphasis is placed on the training of Public Order Agents so that they can effectively carry out their functions and at the same time consolidate their capacity to guarantee the protection and respect for Human Rights. Humans. 

Equatorial Guinea has assumed the commitment to forge a firmdemocracy, in which we uphold the independence of the judiciary and a legal guarantee in its international relations, within scrupulous respect for its Constitution. 

My Government attaches greater importance to the mechanisms of the United Nations, because they are the ones that lay the foundations for interaction between States. 

We ratify our commitment to the international human rights systems and we always open the country to the scrutiny of International Cooperation. 

Excerpt from The EXC. MR. Alfonso Nsue Mokuy's Speech at the "Forum on Global Human Rights Governance".

(The EXC. MR. Alfonso Nsue Mokuy is the third vice prime minister of the government, in charge of human rights.)